TypeScript SDK


The SuiClient can be imported from @mysten/sui.js/client and is used to make RPC request to the Sui network.


import { SuiClient, getFullnodeUrl } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
// create a client connected to devnet
const client = new SuiClient({ url: getFullnodeUrl('devnet') });
// get coins owned by an address
await client.getCoins({
	owner: '0xcc2bd176a478baea9a0de7a24cd927661cc6e860d5bacecb9a138ef20dbab231',

the getFullnodeUrl helper provides a default fullName url that can be used for developing. In a production application, you will likely want to manually define the URL of the RPC provider you want to use in your application.

Manually calling unsupported RPC methods

The SuiClient can be used to call any RPC method exposed by the node you are connecting to. The Client has built in methods for most RPC methods, but if there are methods missing, they can still be called manually using the call method of the SuiClient.

import { SuiClient, getFullnodeUrl } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
const client = new SuiClient({ url: getFullnodeUrl('devnet') });
const committeeInfo = await client.call('suix_getCommitteeInfo', []);

For a full list of available RPC methods see the RPC documentation (opens in a new tab).

Subscribing to events

In addition to calling RPC methods, the SuiClient also supports a few methods for subscribing to events:

import { SuiClient, getFullnodeUrl } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
const client = new SuiClient({
	url: getFullnodeUrl('testnet'),
const unsubscribe = await client.subscribeEvent({
	filter: {
		Sender: '0xcc2bd176a478baea9a0de7a24cd927661cc6e860d5bacecb9a138ef20dbab231',
	onMessage(event) {
		// handle subscription notification message here. This function is called once per subscription message.
// later, to unsubscribe:
await unsubscribe();

Subscribing to transactions

Similar to subscribing to events, the SuiClient also supports subscribing to transactions:

import { SuiClient, getFullnodeUrl } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
const client = new SuiClient({
	url: getFullnodeUrl('testnet'),
const unsubscribe = await client.subscribeTransaction({
	filter: {
		FromAddress: '0xcc2bd176a478baea9a0de7a24cd927661cc6e860d5bacecb9a138ef20dbab231',
	onMessage(event) {
		// This function is called once per transaction.
// later, to unsubscribe:
await unsubscribe();

Customizing the Transport

The SuiClient uses a Transport class to manage connections to the RPC node. The default SuiHTTPTransport makes both JSON RPC requests, as well as websocket requests for subscriptions. You can construct a custom transport instance if you need to pass any custom options, such as headers or timeout values.

import { SuiClient, SuiHTTPTransport, getFullnodeUrl } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
const client = new SuiClient({
	transport: new SuiHTTPTransport({
		url: 'https://my-custom-node.com/rpc',
		websocket: {
			reconnectTimeout: 1000,
			url: 'https://my-custom-node.com/websockets',
		rpc: {
			headers: {
				'x-custom-header': 'custom value',